Every day we receive numerous EMF queries asking for EMF protection advice. Hurry over our EMF Experts Professional Directory and you'll find hundreds of our graduates waiting to help you. In most cases like these, a photo of the EMF issue emailed beforehand may be all that is needed to provide helpful, actionable over-the-phone professional advice.
Please check out our EMF Experts Professional Directory Hundreds of our highly trained Certified EMF Expert Consultant graduates are standing by, waiting to hear from you (by phone or email), eager to help. Many offer free introductory consultations by phone. You'll find direct contact info included in each listing.
Learn more about what types of "Ask an EMF Expert" questions are well suited for a quick consult.
If your issue entails much more than a simple question, in depth Professional Certified EMF-Expert phone consultations are available. Typically these are the sorts of in-depth consultations that will include the need for several photos of the situation, important relevant details or documents, and thorough question and answer.
In other situations however, an actual on-site EMF Consultation is what is needed...keep reading
EMF Inspection? Remediation Plan?
EMF-Green Building Design?
EMF Safety Compliance Testing?
In response to situations like these emailed to us (below) where maximum professional EMF protection is the goal, our best advice is to request a "boots on the ground" on-site consultation. Refer to our EMF Experts Directory for a consultant or service provider in your area.
Or get started right now with our helpful Do-It-Yourself EMF Protection ebooks with step by step instruction and videos.
Here are some typical situations where an on site conversation is needed:
Also refer to on site commercial, industrial, hospital and insurance EMF Compliance Testing and to on site residential EMF Consultations including home offices and businesses, for more info on on-site consultations designed to deal with EMF protection, remediation, blocking, etc.
Our Certified EMF Expert Consultants can help by whichever consultation method best meets your needs.
EMF Experts Disclaimer
The information on this website has been created to help advance knowledge in
the areas discussed and provide EMF protection background information based on existing
knowledge and relevant factors that may significantly influence health and
well being, as well as related matters such as sustainability. This work
is not intended as a final statement on these topics, and as more information
becomes available, the concepts given may develop, be adapted or change.
Whilst all reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the validity of the
information presented, no warranty (guarantee) is given towards its accuracy. No liability
is accepted by the website author(s) for damages arising from its use
and/or interpretation by others.
The mention of specific companies or of particular manufacturers’ products does
not imply that they are endorsed or guaranteed by EMF Experts. Please use proper consumer due diligence.
The listings of people, products, companies, etc that are included in the EMF Expert Professional Directory are available to the public without warranty (guarantee) of any kind. Graduates of the EMF Expert Certification training course are noted with a designated sign for convenience and assurance that they have met training standards. The responsibility of proper due diligence again lies with the prospective client or consumer.
The published materials are being distributed on this website without warranty (guarantee) of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the materials lies with the viewer/listener. In no event is EMF Experts, its employees or its parent Engineering Energy LLC, or its founder Chris Young, liable for damages arising from their use. All information is provided with good intent.
"Awesome certification training! I hit the ground running (with confidence) the day I finished the course, and my business has been built from the ground up based on the tried and true methods of a true EMF Professional that would have been far beyond me without this training."
Ross Chambers, Toronto, Canada
"Electrosmog can be more dangerous to you than you think. I was electronically stalked by a cellphone hacker, Chris returned my SOS message within the hour and walked me step by step through how to protect myself right away. I went on to take his excellent training to learn how to protect myself from the many other risks of electronic pollution - I never realized how insidious EMF is!"
Theresa, San Diego, CA
The Bedroom Sanctuary ebook guided me through everything I needed to know to finally eliminate and block the various sources of EMF in my bedroom causing my sleep disorders. Ah, to sleep perchance to dream - blissfully at last."
Chas Chavez, Texas
"This Certification Training is simply the best there is. I thought I would learn how to wave an EMF meter around and that training would be very American based, and instead I learned more professionally valuable, global-in-scope, and life-saving info than I ever imagined. I say 'life saving' because my wife, who took the training with me, is convinced this training saved her life. Three words of advice: Take this training!"
Omar Orillia, Australia
More Personal Stories and Testimonials ...
"EMF Expert Certified Consultants are easy to locate in the Directory, and to me a well trained consultant who's advice you can trust is vital in an area where so much contradictory information and outright misinformation abounds on the internet".
Ronald Sands, UK
"What would I do without my Certified EMF Consultant? She helped me locate my new home, and now I don't buy any new technology without at least a phone consultation with her first."
Liann, Asian Rim,