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EMF Help Directory Listing


Got a Great EMF Service to Add to the EMF Help Directory?

If you have a great EMF-related Service to offer share it here in the EMF Help Directory! Reach thousands of site visitors a week searching for EMF services locally and worldwide, all for ONLY $25/year!

Your card or digital wallet is processed securely and conveniently through Stripe; AND by selecting 'Annual Auto-Renew' payment plan you lock in your price for life. Cancel at any renewal date (sorry, no partial-year refunds).

Open the 1 page Guide Make Your Listing Stand Out! for tips on how to create a search engine optimized listing that generates traffic and is visitor friendly as well. Print out the Guide to have it handy when you go on to Preview and Edit your listing, on the next page.

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  •  Submission Guidelines.

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The Wide Variety of Services Others Have Offered

Click below to see examples of other EMF Help Directory listings in a broad range EMF-related services including activism, remediation help, healthcare counseling, quiet zone refuges, campgrounds, tools, and much more...

Reclaimed Healing EMF Assessment and Mitigation 
We offer EMF home and business assessment and mitigation in the Portland area and beyond. Our protocols are based in a 40 year history of helping clients …

EMF-Free Home Builder Consultations 
WANT YOUR OWN EMF-SAFE and HEALTHY HOME? If you are contemplating building your own home, you naturally have the ideal opportunity to build in all …

Quiet Farm Not rated yet
I have been doing my own Ethernet and using meters for 20 years . I now have a space that is in the 4 corners area that is amazingly emf quiet. I can document …

Click here to write your own.

Stripe 4 credit card icons

On the Preview & Edit page (next) you'll find the the links for secure online payment options:  one-time payment for a 12 month listing, or  annual auto-renew payment with a locked-in price guarantee.

Promote Your EMF Related Company Professionally

Listings in the directory are self-entered and open to all interested persons and EMF related companies and services. The directory listings are searchable by all visitors to our site, they provide for generous listing description space (500 words) with up to 4 images (jpg/gif), and allow for direct visitor contact with you.

The easy 1-step listing submission process only takes a few minutes to complete (faster if you copy your site's descriptive content) and the very low annual cost will surprise you for the value it delivers in bringing your business to the attention of literally hundreds of thousands of directory visitors each year. 


We are dedicated to bringing the public as many options for EMF safety as we can. WE WELCOME  listings in a wide range of EMF related services including:

  • Electomagnetic Radiation Specialists (EMRS),
  • GeoVital Radiation Protection Consultants
  • EMF articles/blog writing services, 
  • EMF speaking, Zoom presentations on key topics of interest, 
  • EMF remediation handymen skills,
  • EMF shielding fabric seamstress
  • Consumer Training on using technology safely, 
  • EMF Affiliate Program Advisors to increase your website income, 
  • Low-EMF campgrounds, Environmentally Ill
  • Zero-EMF Nature Retreats, EMF Free Zones, 
  • EMF-safe living space (for rent or sale)
  • Community EMF Activism, Raising Community Awareness
  • EMF Political Action for Change, 
  • ... and much more

An EMF Help Directory Listing has Never Been Easier, Cost Less or Generated More Interest

Ready to expand your business reach, your income potential and your professional satisfaction? 

Creating your EMF Help Directory Listing is easy to do -- have you ever seen an easier 1-step listing submission form (see above)?  Your PRINT OUT  STANDOUT LISTING  GUIDE  is available here to help you help make your listing content a stand-out right from the start.

NOTE, that once submitted your listing content is not editable, however entirely new listing content may be created and submitted to replace it, using the same form above.

And what could be a more inexpensive investment in your professional success -- have you ever heard of a $25/yr promotional opportunity that reaches thousands of serious searchers seeking EMF help every week, sometimes every day (see site traffic counter below)!

Find out who is searching for just what you have to offer!  No obligation. The perfect way to put yourself out there for a year and see what your prospective consumer response is!  Auto-renewal payment is optional, however it is the payment option that guarantees no price increase for the life of the listing.8

EMF Consultant Certification Training for professionals by professionals
Check Our Upcoming Trainings
Find an EMF Professional Near You with confidence in our Certification EMF Consultant graduates
Do It Yourself Guides, eBooks and More
Need an answer to a quick question?  $25 Phone Consultations at your Convenience.

"Awesome certification training!  I hit the ground running (with confidence) the day I finished the course, and my business has been built from the ground up based on the tried and true methods of a true EMF Professional that would have been far beyond me without this training."
   Ross Chambers, Toronto, Canada

"Electrosmog can be more dangerous to you than you think. I was electronically stalked by a cellphone hacker, Chris returned my SOS message within the hour and walked me step by step through how to protect myself right away. I went on to take his excellent training to learn how to protect myself from the many other risks of electronic pollution - I never realized how insidious EMF is!"
          Theresa, San Diego, CA

The Bedroom Sanctuary ebook guided me through everything I needed to know to finally eliminate and block the various sources of EMF in my bedroom causing my sleep disorders. Ah, to sleep perchance to dream - blissfully at last."
                  Chas Chavez, Texas

"This Certification Training is simply the best there is. I thought I would learn how to wave an EMF meter around and that training would be very American based, and instead I learned more professionally valuable, global-in-scope, and life-saving info than I ever imagined. I say 'life saving' because my wife, who took the training with me,  is convinced this training saved her life. Three words of advice: Take this training!"                
            Omar Orillia, Australia

More Personal Stories and Testimonials  ...

"EMF Expert Certified Consultants are easy to locate in the Directory, and to me a well trained consultant who's advice you can trust is vital in an area where so much contradictory  information  and outright misinformation abounds on the internet".
               Ronald Sands, UK

"What would I do without my Certified EMF Consultant?  She helped me locate my new home, and now I don't buy any new technology without  at least a phone consultation with her first."
                          Liann, Asian Rim,

More Personal Stories and Testimonials  ...