EMF Professional Directory

Our EMF Professional Directory will help you locate the Certified EMF Expert Consultant, or other EMF Service Provider that you are looking for, nearest to your location.

Find an EMF Expert

In these EMF Professional Directories you will find highly trained EMF Expert Consultants, Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists, EMF Inspectors, and many other types of EMF Professional, here to offer the qualified help you need to address your specific EMF concern.

PLUS  you will also find a host of EMF related service providers, vendors, individuals and companies who are concerned about the growing health risks posed by man-made EMF radiation, in addition to finding interest groups such as support groups and activists.  This helpful directory is growing every day.


These directories are open to the public and you are welcome to freely browse all listings and contact members of the directory directly whenever you need help or advice.  Many professionals offer on-site services, and if one is not available in your area  be sure to inquire about a phone consultation at any  distance using photos and records that your consultant will have professional access to.

And, of course the EMF Professional Directory is the only place where you will find a "world full" of highly respected Certified EMF Expert Consultants,  each of whom has passed our rigorous training, many with awards of distinction.


in the EMF Professional Directory of Trusted Experts

 Add Your Own EMF Directory Listing RIGHT HERE
(Quickest, Easiest, Most Inexpensive AND Highly-Searched)

EMF Expert Map

Interested in Having Your Own EMF Professional Listing?

Listings in the directory are self-entered and open to all interested persons and EMF related companies and services. The directory listings are searchable by all visitors to our site, they provide for generous listing description space (500 words) with up to 4 images (jpg/gif), and allow for direct visitor contact with you.

The easy 1-step listing submission process only takes a few minutes to complete (faster if you copy your site's descriptive content) and the very low annual cost will surprise you for the value it delivers in bringing your business to the attention of literally hundreds of thousands of directory visitors each year. 


We are dedicated to bringing the public as many options for EMF safety as we can. WE WELCOME  EMF Help Directory listings in a wide range of EMF related services including:

  • Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists (Dedicated EMRS Directory), 
  • EMF articles/blog writing services, 
  • EMF speaking/presentations on key topics of interest, 
  • EMF remediation handymen skills,
  • EMF shielding fabric seamstress
  • Consumer Training on using technology safely, 
  • EMF Affiliate Program Advisors to increase your website income, 
  • Low-EMF campgrounds, Environmentally Ill
  • Zero-EMF Nature Retreats, EMF Free Zones, 
  • EMF-safe living space (for rent or sale)
  • Community EMF Activism, Raising Community Awareness
  • EMF Political Action for Change, 
  • ... and much more

WANT your EMF related business to be included in the directory?

Add Your EMF Help Directory Listing RIGHT HERE
(Quickest, Easiest, Most Inexpensive and Highly-Searched)


Want to Become a Certified EMF Expert Consultant
with Your Own Official Listing?

The designation "Certified EMF Expert" denotes that this person has completed the certified EMF training courses and achieved a rigorous 100% proficiency in all training areas, as offered by EMF Experts under the professional instruction of Chris Young, PE Senior Professional Electrical Engineer.  All individuals who complete the training will be automatically listed in the EMF Professional Directory at no charge as a "Certified EMF Expert" (unless they choose not to be listed).

Certified EMF Expert graduates carry a Certified EMF Expert ID Card that signifies they have acquired these training qualifications, and customers and clients are encouraged to ask to see it to verify this.

We, at EMF Experts, stand behind each "Certified EMF Expert" listing, assuring a high standard of EMF protection training and we recommend these Certified EMF Expert individuals as highly professionally qualified to offer services or products to the EMF safety industry or the public.

Certified EMF Experts are trained to offer on-site EMF services, as well as phone consultations at any  distance using site-photos provided to them, along with industry, government and public records that these consultants will have professional access to.

If you would like to be included in this EMF Professional Directory as a Certified EMF Expert Consultant, or as an EMF Expert Training Graduate offering your own EMF-niche service please visit our state of the art online EMF Experts Classroom to learn more about our courses, or view our certified training information to learn more about the certification process .


EMF Consultants are in high demand! Learn some of the ways our graduates are using their highly respected certified training to build their EMF Consultant businesses

EMF Experts Certification Training together with the EMF Professional Directory gives our graduates worldwide exposure and excellent online marketing and promotional business support right from the start with a lifetime "EMF Expert" directory membership included in the training.

EMF Consultant Certification Training for professionals by professionals
Check Our Upcoming Trainings
Find an EMF Professional Near You with confidence in our Certification EMF Consultant graduates
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"Awesome certification training!  I hit the ground running (with confidence) the day I finished the course, and my business has been built from the ground up based on the tried and true methods of a true EMF Professional that would have been far beyond me without this training."
   Ross Chambers, Toronto, Canada

"Electrosmog can be more dangerous to you than you think. I was electronically stalked by a cellphone hacker, Chris returned my SOS message within the hour and walked me step by step through how to protect myself right away. I went on to take his excellent training to learn how to protect myself from the many other risks of electronic pollution - I never realized how insidious EMF is!"
          Theresa, San Diego, CA

The Bedroom Sanctuary ebook guided me through everything I needed to know to finally eliminate and block the various sources of EMF in my bedroom causing my sleep disorders. Ah, to sleep perchance to dream - blissfully at last."
                  Chas Chavez, Texas

"This Certification Training is simply the best there is. I thought I would learn how to wave an EMF meter around and that training would be very American based, and instead I learned more professionally valuable, global-in-scope, and life-saving info than I ever imagined. I say 'life saving' because my wife, who took the training with me,  is convinced this training saved her life. Three words of advice: Take this training!"                
            Omar Orillia, Australia

More Personal Stories and Testimonials  ...

"EMF Expert Certified Consultants are easy to locate in the Directory, and to me a well trained consultant who's advice you can trust is vital in an area where so much contradictory  information  and outright misinformation abounds on the internet".
               Ronald Sands, UK

"What would I do without my Certified EMF Consultant?  She helped me locate my new home, and now I don't buy any new technology without  at least a phone consultation with her first."
                          Liann, Asian Rim,

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