EMF Consultation by Phone

     Our Certified EMF Expert Consultants are trained to offer three kinds of EMF Consultation:

     1. Ask An Expert a Quick Question by Phone (see examples below)

     2. In Depth Professional EMF Consultations by Phone or Zoom using photos you've taken to demonstrate the EMF issue, google maps and satellite images of your location, floorplan or floorplan sketch of area of concern, EMF Measurements you've taken that illustrate the environment in question, or videos showing live EMF measurements as they are recorded by your EMF Meter.

     3. On Site EMF Detection and Protection Consultations, including a written evaluation report outlining current EMF situations of concern,  with detailed mitagation and remediation solutions, DIY strategies to reduce EMF exposure, DIY and professional resources and contacts, and follow up plan.

Simply need a quick EMF Consultation or Advice by Phone?

phone consult - quickie

ASK AN EMF EXPERT!  Our Certfied EMF Expert Consultant graduates can help, and can often provide you with the information you need simply with a quick, inexpensive 15 - 20 minute phone consultation. That is why we've designed this special "Ask an EMF Expert" offer to make practical help more readily available.  

Ask-an-EMF-Expert  advice is  easy to obtain. Simply visit our EMF Professional Directory and contact the consultant of your choice to request  the type of consultation you need,

Be sure to ask how you can prepare for the best consultation outcome, according to that consultants suggestions.

NOTE: Your phone consultation time is not prorated, it is one price for the issue(s) you would like to discuss, up to 20 minutes, or less if your issue is resolved in less time.

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Certified EMF Expert Phone Consultant?



How Does the 'Ask-an-EMF-Expert' Consultation Work?

In most "Phone an EMF Expert" situations, a digital photo of the EMF issue you wish to discuss can be helpful for us to receive prior the consultation, so if you feel this would enable you to illustrate the issue you wish to discuss, you can email it to us during the scheduling process. Often a photo may be all that is needed to provide helpful, adequate over-the-phone professional emf consultation advice. Other times a photo is not necessary.

Need a More In Depth Professional Phone Consultation
Or looking for an actual On-Site Consultation? Read on

Examples of Ask An Expert "Quick Questions"

Here are a few examples of the steady stream of EMF "quick questions" we receive daily from people  taking advantage of our special Ask an EMF Expert offer to obtain hard-to-find, practical or  actionable advice:

  • I'm considering buying a particular new house and wondering about the power lines nearby ...

  • We're living in a home within half a mile of a big power line (cell tower, WiFi tower, airport radar, radio broadcast tower, etc), and I've bought an EMF meter to measure the EMF and its displaying what look like high readings, but I don't know if my meter is good or how to interpret these measurement results...

  • There's a new Celltower (or WiFi tower) going up in my neighborhood and I'm concerned about celltower radiation and EMF protection for my family ...

  • My utility company (water, electric) just installed a new Smart Meter on my home without notifying me, what now?  How can I tell if it is a smart meter or a remote meter reader, and which is worse EMF-wise?

  • How do I know if any of the EMF shielding gadgets I've bought online for personal EMF protection are working?

  • I purchased an  EMF shielding/blocking product for my home (paint, dirty electricity filters, window film, fabric etc.) but I am not confident that I know how to apply or use it properly. Please help.

  •  I purchased an EMF Meter but I do not understand the readings it is displaying. Can you tell me what these numbers mean in terms of  my EMF exposure levels, in other words my family's safety?

  • I am considering buying an EMF Meter for my personal use, can I please get your advice on EMF meter(s) that would be suitable for my particular EMF situation.

  • The school where my child attends has just put in WiFi in the computer lab classrooms as well as throughout the entire building,  and I am wondering what can I do to protect my child at this point without resorting to becoming an EMF Activist?

  • We own a high piece of land (or high-rise building, church steeple, flagpole, etc), and have been contacted by a WiFi  or Cell  company  to place  their tower installation there in exchange for regular rental-space income and I'd like to talk to you about where to get info on the possibility of health risks ...

  • My school board is considering placing cell towers on the stadium light masts (the income will help balance their budget deficit) and I'd like to reference your your professional opinion, along with relevant quotes of cell tower radiation studies demonstrating the dangers, that I can present to the PTA and the school board ...

  • My husband has just switched our home to WiFi, saying it is much more convenient to roam the house with his laptop (wirelessly), and it's less costly than installing wired internet access to a new computer room. He totally disregards the EMF health risks.  What do I give him to learn more?   How do I protect myself?



Need an In-Depth Professional Phone Consultation?

If your issue entails much more than a simple question,  in depth Professional Certified EMF-Expert phone consultations.  Typically these are the sorts of in-depth consultations that will include the need for several photos of the situation, important relevant details or documents, and thorough question and answer.  Taking advantage of our one-time Ask and Expert  15 minute EMF consultation by phone is a very good place to start.  


  • I have measured my home with an EMF Meter and have discovered several sources of EMF that I cannot figure out how to mitigate, and I'd like your help with this specific challenges (photos available).

  • I am building a low-EMF home (office building, daycare, nursing home, clinic, etc) and need help creating an electrical drawing plan that will keep EMF exposure from all sources as low as possible, for as reasonable a cost as possible. Please help me create an electrical plan that will do this in addition to being approved for a building permit and meet electrical code.  I do (or do not) have a floorplan, or architectural drawings, to work from. 

  • I am looking for help in guiding (explaining, instructing, overseeing etc) the licensed electrician who will be doing EMF remediation, or new remodel wiring installation, or new building construction, work I need done to reduce my EMF exposure.

  • I currently have an established clientele that is very good match for EMF Consulting Services, I'd like your evaluation of the possibilities of my expanding into this area and adding it to my existing business.

  • I would like to organize an EMF awareness event at my child's school and would like your guidance and references to others who have succeeded in this.

  • I see on our site that you partner with others and I'd like to explain EMF products I would like to manufacture, to get your business or marketing advice and perhaps brainstorm ways we could work together.

  • I am involved in a legal case, and I would like to discuss a few details to obtain your considered opinion, and recommendations for expert witnesses in the field of EMF.

Peruse Our EMF Professional Directory

When is an Actual On-Site EMF Consultation Needed?

In response to situations like these emailed to us where maximum professional EMF protection is the goal, our best advice is to request an on site consultation, refer to our EMF Experts Directory for a consultant or service provider in your area.

Or get started right now with our helpful Do-It-Yourself EMF Protection ebooks with step by step instruction and videos:

  • I've begun to suspect that my chronic sleeplessness is due to EMF in my bedroom, specifically dirty electricity in my home wiring ...

  • We're all about Green Living, and we're building an eco friendly home and would like to include EMF-safe designs in its construction ...

  • We've recently had a new baby and would like our home scanned for EMF hazards ...

  • The recent real estate offer we put in on a new house is contingent upon its meeting home inspections, including EMF safety.  We would like a professional EMF Inspection report  ...

  • My chronic illness is worsening and I'd like to clear my environment of EMF that I have read has been shown to disrupt the immune system ...


As a general rule, on site EMF consultations are $100- $150./hr, depending on the experience and other qualifications of the EMF Consultant,  and what type of evaluation documentation is requested.  Typically a one hour minimum paid deposit is required to reserve your scheduled appointment time. For general reference, the average 2 bedroom apartment or small office is about an hour's work. Travel time (mileage etc) is additional and charged at the Federal reimbursement rate.

EMF Experts has trained and certified hundreds of EMF Consultants worldwide and we encourage prospective clients to ask for Professional ID in order to provide a measure of extra assurance of your family's safety before permitting an unknown person into your home.

EMF Expert Consultants professional ID cards are well recogniazed

and qaulified EMF Expert trained consultants are identifable using the ID card examples found on our Consultant Verfication page. 

The professional credentials for each individual EMF Expert Consultant can be found in the EMF Professional Directory, which us maintained by EMF Experts to  help members of the public locate the Certified EMF Expert Consultant nearest them.


Refer to the EMF  Professional Directory

For more information, please refer to
on location commercial, industrial, hospital and insurance EMF Compliance Testing  and to on site residential EMF Consultations

  including home offices and businesses, for more info on obtaining an on-site EMF Consultation designed to deal with EMF protection, remediation, blocking, etc.

Please Contact Us with any questions.  We're glad to help by whichever consultation method best meets your needs.

EMF Consultant Certification Training for professionals by professionals
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Need an answer to a quick question?  $25 Phone Consultations at your Convenience.

"Awesome certification training!  I hit the ground running (with confidence) the day I finished the course, and my business has been built from the ground up based on the tried and true methods of a true EMF Professional that would have been far beyond me without this training."
   Ross Chambers, Toronto, Canada

"Electrosmog can be more dangerous to you than you think. I was electronically stalked by a cellphone hacker, Chris returned my SOS message within the hour and walked me step by step through how to protect myself right away. I went on to take his excellent training to learn how to protect myself from the many other risks of electronic pollution - I never realized how insidious EMF is!"
          Theresa, San Diego, CA

The Bedroom Sanctuary ebook guided me through everything I needed to know to finally eliminate and block the various sources of EMF in my bedroom causing my sleep disorders. Ah, to sleep perchance to dream - blissfully at last."
                  Chas Chavez, Texas

"This Certification Training is simply the best there is. I thought I would learn how to wave an EMF meter around and that training would be very American based, and instead I learned more professionally valuable, global-in-scope, and life-saving info than I ever imagined. I say 'life saving' because my wife, who took the training with me,  is convinced this training saved her life. Three words of advice: Take this training!"                
            Omar Orillia, Australia

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"EMF Expert Certified Consultants are easy to locate in the Directory, and to me a well trained consultant who's advice you can trust is vital in an area where so much contradictory  information  and outright misinformation abounds on the internet".
               Ronald Sands, UK

"What would I do without my Certified EMF Consultant?  She helped me locate my new home, and now I don't buy any new technology without  at least a phone consultation with her first."
                          Liann, Asian Rim,

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